Newport Fees

NOTICE: Newport is only accepting hourly clients at this time.

First we will start with a free 15 min. initial consultation to review your goals and determine if you would like to move forward with Newport Premedical Consulting, LLC and work alongside, me, Jennifer Nemecek as the primary consultant. We will discuss where you are in the application process and how many hours you might need depending on your desired level of assistance. During this meeting, you can experience my advising style and determine if you think I could enhance your application to medical school and provide the value-added service you expect from a professional consultant. 

Many families view consulting as an investment. Often times I meet with Freshman or Sophomores to get them started on building the components of the medical school application. I can answer your numerous questions and we can create a 3-4 year roadmap. We would then meet twice each semester. I prefer meeting students early on in their academic career so I can help them build a strong portfolio. Having said that, I will work with any student no matter where they are in the premed process.